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您所在的位置:首页›› 江南体彩app新闻›› 行业新闻›› 江南体彩app-水泥防撞墙模具


      水泥防撞墙模具-防撞墙模具-宏旭根基介绍 水泥防撞墙模具-防撞墙模具-宏旭基本介绍


The difference between the cement anti-collision wall mold and the protective wall mold refers to the difference between the two kinds of mold from the production environment, construction conditions and the prefabrication state. The cement anti-collision wall mold belongs to the production of cast-in-place mode, while the protective wall mold is usually the production state of prefabrication mode. Many customers will be concerned about the thickness of the steel plate used by the two molds, the size of the conditioning rod and whether it has a flipped edge. In fact, the two different production methods bring different production effects. In the process of production, the cement anti-collision wall mold is usually cast-in-place 50-100 meters, which can not only ensure the convenience of construction, but also adjust the construction mileage at will. The mould of protective wall is usually placed on site after prefabrication in the prefabrication plant, which is the so-called difference between the two


上一篇:江南体彩app-水泥混凝土箱式生态护坡模具 宏旭模具 箱式生态护坡模板【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】 下一篇:江南体彩app-安徽 水泥路沿石模具 混凝土路沿石模具 专业生产【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】